The Influence of Heat Treatment on High Temperature Properties of Steel Grade 15128

BERAXA, P., BEVILAQUA, T., KUBOŇ, Z., PARILÁK, Ľ.: The Influence of Heat Treatment on High Temperature Properties of Steel Grade 15128, Metalurgija, Vol. 49, 2010, Šibenik, Croatia, ISSN 0543-5846

The Influence of the Cooling Rate from Normalizing Temperature on the Microstructure of the Tubes Grade 15128.

BEVILAQUA, T., BERAXA, P., PARILÁK, Ľ., KUBOŇ, Z.: The Influence of the Cooling Rate from Normalizing Temperature on the Microstructure of the Tubes Grade 15128, In: METAL 2009, Brno, ČR, ISBN 978-80-87294-03-1