Analysis of Mechanical Properties, Formability and Stress-strain States in the Production of Tubes with Contoured Internal Surfaces.

RIDZOŇ, M., MOJŽIŠ, M., BUČEK, P., BELLA, P., PARILÁK, Ľ.: Analysis of Mechanical Properties, Formability and Stress-strain States in the Production of Tubes with Contoured Internal Surfaces, In: SHMD 2016, 12th International Symposium…

Influence of Selected Technological Parameters on Cold Drawing of Precision Seamless Tubes.

MOJŽIŠ, M., RIDZOŇ, M., BELLA, P., BUČEK, P., BÍLIK, J., PARILÁK, Ľ.: Influence of Selected Technological Parameters on Cold Drawing of Precision Seamless Tubes, In: XLIV Szkoła Inżynierii Materiałowej, Kraków-Rytro, 27.-30. 9. 2016,…

Mechanical Properties and Macroscopic Deformation of Precision Seamless Tubes During Cold Drawing.

RIDZOŇ, M., MOJŽIŠ, M., MARTINKOVIČ, M., BELLA, P., DOMOVCOVÁ, L., PARILÁK, Ľ.: Mechanical Properties and Macroscopic Deformation of Precision Seamless Tubes During Cold Drawing, In: Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Vol.…

Production Technology for Precision Seamless Steel Tubes from the Perspective of Microhardness Changes.

MOJŽIŠ, M., RIDZOŇ, M., BELLA, P., MARTINKOVIČ, M., PARILÁK, Ľ.: Production Technology for Precision Seamless Steel Tubes from the Perspective of Microhardness Changes, In: Key Engineering Material. Vol. 716, 2016, p. 988-993

The Effect of Cryo-Rolling and Annealing on Magnetic Properties in Non-Oriented Electrical Steel.

KVAČKAJ, T., BELLA, P., BIDULSKÝ, R., KOČIŠKO, R., PETROUŠEK, P., FEDORIKOVÁ, A., BIDULSKÁ, J., JANDAČKA, P., LUPTÁK, M., ČERNÍK, M., PERNIS, R.: The Effect of Cryo-Rolling and Annealing on Magnetic Properties in Non-Oriented Electrical…

Compare of the Dies and They Influence of Geometry Precision of the Cold Drawing Tubes with Small Dimensions.

MOJŽIŠ, M., PARILÁK, Ľ., TITTEL, V., RIDZOŇ, M., BELLA, P., BURANSKÝ, I.: Compare of the Dies and They Influence of Geometry Precision of the Cold Drawing Tubes with Small Dimensions, In: Hutnik-Wiadomości Hutnicze, Vol. 84, No. 8, 2017,…